About Time
Time is the one thing that can never be retrieved. Yet most of our time doesn’t belong to us.
And we keep giving it away.
This is a data exhibition about time and how we lose it.
Years of labor
The bigger picture
A timeline of our entire life: all the years we go to school, all the jobs we’ll have, the years we’ll spend in retirement, and our probability of hospitalization.
Educational data was gathered from the Spanish Government, employment times from a study analyzing job permanence in generations, and health and retirement stats from journals citing the Spanish National Statistics Institute and the World Health Organization.
This piece intends to show the amount of life we don’t own and is also a stark reminder that our bodies deteriorate, and our time doesn’t come back.
How many hours are left?
Vacation Hourglasses
These are hourglasses showing the cost of one hour of paid time off in 6 different member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD): the 3 with the highest and lowest cost of paid time off.
Each hourglass represents a country, and the amount of sand is the aforementioned cost. So this piece intends to show the value of leisure time and an instance of geographical privilege.
Days without rest
Unease Beach
A beach with 4 objects with statistics from a survey made in the United States about work and holidays.
The color area of the object correlates to the percentage, and the object use correlates semantically. This piece is about how work invades our vacation
The Workcation Song
The ultimate image representation of this self-repression we do to ourselves. I got a bunch of pictures from these Instagram hashtags: #myofficetoday, #workcation, #remotework… and turned them into a song.
These pictures are usually portrayed as aspirational on social media. This is how a successful entrepreneur does holidays, right? Well, I find them quite dystopic. And I wanted to showcase this irony. So given that holidays and music are usually associated with rest, evasion, and enjoyment; by combining two elements with a similar meaning to evoke the opposite feeling, we get irony by juxtaposition.
So we get as a satire of hustle culture and the romanticization of work invading holidays using generative music.
The laptop size gives the note duration, and the laptop position the note (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si).
So I made a base, happy Hawaiian song to go with these horrifying images. Because this is what a vacation should look like according to modern capitalism, right? But there’s more.
I also set up a QR code with a link to a website in which visitors could answer the question “if you’ve ever worked during a vacation, how much did you actually enjoy?”
The results of the vote were projected on the main screen, and the winner set the soundtrack of the exhibition.
The conclusion is a chiringuito board with the menu of the day.
The key takeaway points of this exhibition.
A simple, reassuring message to make us think about our time.